Rick's Cafe

Casablanca, Morocco is a good place to have a drink.

But of all places to have that drink, if you do not step foot inside Rick’s Cafe Americain, you will deeply regret the decision for the rest of your life. And if you don’t drink gin, there’s no better time other than now to start.

The strict dress code keeps the place classy. Acceptable outfits are a tux and evening gown. The dim light makes everyone look good. Cigar and cigarette smoke thicken the romantic vibe.

Table cloth covered tables revolve around the piano man. No, it’s not Billy Joel. He plays the crowd pleasers as well as the songs that go shoot straight to the soul. You know the ones I’m talking about. The lyrics and melody that either make you smile or cry. There is no middle ground. No jukebox. You either like what he plays, or you like it. 

Mixers are usually needed to amplify gin. Not here. The smooth criminal is served straight.

The owner drinks with his patrons, but doesn’t let his own mash get he best of him. Only women do that. 

filmMonis Rose